Monday, August 31, 2009
It's getting easier
The past few weeks have been a difficult adjustment! As of Saturday things seem to have become easier. Saturday, we met with other families that have or are in the process of adopting children from Russia. An interpreter was available and the children had a wonderful time. The communication problem is getting better as they pick up more English and we pick up more Russian. I know soon, this will all be behind us and we'll laugh to think of the things we did to get our points across to one another. Oh, the faces we must make!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
I'm catching up
As I sit with Mom during chemo, I'm catching up on the blog.
My Dad brought her first thing this a.m. and the children and I drove up later in the a.m. After the Oncologist appointment, Dad & I traded places (I get to stay with Mom and he took all the kids).
My Mom did not have to have a blood transfusion today! YAY!!! She thinks she's made the decision to NOT take herceptin treatments. Herceptin treatments were supposed to start today along with chemo. Her final chemo would have been in October, but the herceptin would have taken an additional 12 months. She feels the negative research concerning the herceptin outweighs the positive outcome. The biggest side effect of herceptin is heart damage. She said "God has been so good to me this far, I just know He'll take care of me, if I don't take this." The Oncologist told her they wouldn't start today, but for her to think about the treatment.
My Mom never ceases to amaze me!!!! One brave women, whom I admire much!
My Dad brought her first thing this a.m. and the children and I drove up later in the a.m. After the Oncologist appointment, Dad & I traded places (I get to stay with Mom and he took all the kids).
My Mom did not have to have a blood transfusion today! YAY!!! She thinks she's made the decision to NOT take herceptin treatments. Herceptin treatments were supposed to start today along with chemo. Her final chemo would have been in October, but the herceptin would have taken an additional 12 months. She feels the negative research concerning the herceptin outweighs the positive outcome. The biggest side effect of herceptin is heart damage. She said "God has been so good to me this far, I just know He'll take care of me, if I don't take this." The Oncologist told her they wouldn't start today, but for her to think about the treatment.
My Mom never ceases to amaze me!!!! One brave women, whom I admire much!
Silver Dollar City
I'm so glad we went!

We made it to Branson and the children had a blast at Silver dollar City! I think they enjoyed swimming with Papa at the hotel, almost as much!
They enjoyed the time with three of their cousins also!
We made it to Branson and the children had a blast at Silver dollar City! I think they enjoyed swimming with Papa at the hotel, almost as much!
They enjoyed the time with three of their cousins also!
Silver Dollar City
Birthday Bash
An amazing birthday bash was planned one and a half days after our return! Aunt Sheila and Nana & Papa, did a bang up job! The kids enjoyed jousting, swimming, a water slide, bubbles, hotdogs, snow cones, popcorn, cotton candy, friends and family!

We celebrated all our August birthdays together at Nana & Papa's house! Trisha (my niece) turned 17 August 10th, Jacob turned 15 in May (we celebrated his too, since he wasn't with us in May), Gavin my charmer-was 14 on August 9th, Losha became a bouncing boy of 13 on August 12th and our youngest "Jared" is now 7, as of August 3rd. I was informed 7 is not a baby anymore! That part breaks my heart!
We celebrated all our August birthdays together at Nana & Papa's house! Trisha (my niece) turned 17 August 10th, Jacob turned 15 in May (we celebrated his too, since he wasn't with us in May), Gavin my charmer-was 14 on August 9th, Losha became a bouncing boy of 13 on August 12th and our youngest "Jared" is now 7, as of August 3rd. I was informed 7 is not a baby anymore! That part breaks my heart!
Almost 2 weeks
Tonight will be two weeks, since we've returned to America! I have to show you some of the pictures of my house when we walked in that night! Balloons, groceries and goodies on the counter were all a part of the welcome home from our local homeschool group! Thank you so much, my dear friends!!!
I also wanted to share the photo of our family and the Vincent family at the airport. Two families together that have adopted from Russia, through the Russian orphan lighthouse project. The Duncan family returned with their children this past Friday!
Friday, August 14, 2009
We've had quite the eventful week! Within the first 5 minutes of being home Jacob had locked himself in handcuffs. Jacky & I had not even made it upstairs yet! By the way, the key to the handcuffs was long gone! Jacky had to cut the cuffs off. We were afraid we would have to take him to the police station his first night in America! The 8th we had a 5 child birthday bash - swimming party, with a water slide and jousting game. All the children were elated!! Jacob and Losha want to be on anything motorized! 7 a.m. Saturday morning, they were on the lawnmower (the blades were not engaged)! My Dad and cousin both have 4-wheelers. They were ecstatic!!!! My Dad let Losha drive and when we returned home, he started the old farm truck- Jacky ran, it was hilarious!!!! We now keep all vehicles locked and keys hidden! Losha loves electronics! He locked my cell phone and I couldn't use it until I called the cell store and found out how to unlock it! Whew, we are in the adventure of our lives! We share so much laughter!!! My parents bought tickets for our family and my brother's family and asked if we would go to Silver dollar City this weekend. Are we crazy??? We're going, and going to have a blast watching the faces of our new additions!!!!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Huge Welcome

We arrived at Tulsa International at 10:23 p.m. the 6th! There was a wonderful surprise awaiting us! Many wonderful friends and family came to welcome our new additions to America! My friend Stacey (that I'd ask you to pray for) was there, hospital bracelet and all. She'd only been released from the hospital hours ago! A few friends had driven to the airport directly from their vacation. Even the DeNooy family (the Lighthouse coordinator, from Michigan) was there! Members from our Classical community came bearing huge smiles, hugs and gifts. I was overwhelmed! Several families of our H.O.P. group came to show support! Friends from our Russian adoption group came. This was such and awesome, humbling experience! Something we never expected!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Moscow zoo
Red Square McDonalds
Monday, August 3, 2009
Christ the Saviour Cathedral
This Cathedral is amazing! The museum portion was closed today so the boys have not seen the gorgeous inside. Jacky and I toured this beautiful Church, the first week we were in Russia. I purchased a book and postcards that the boys may know about the history and beauty of this awesome cathedral. The book is in Russian and English.
Christ the Savious Cathedral
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Horse stables and grilling at the lake
Dima took us to Hyper Market (like our wal-mart)before heading to the lake and stables. We needed grilling items and watermelon. Hyper was an appropriate name for it! I've never been in a Wal-Mart that busy!
He has horses from the Ural Mountains at the lake stables. The boys didn't ride. I think Losha is intimidated, however Jacob and Gavin befriended many of the Equine by giving them watermelon.
Dimi grilled shish-K-bobs for us, they were wonderful! The boys gobbled it up, after their day of swimming!
Swimming today
The boys have really wanted to go swimming! What a nice day it was to go to a spring fed lake in NW Moscow. People bring their water bottles to get water from the spring that feeds this small lake. The water is cold, Mom opted to stay on the side and take photos. Losha is a little fish, climbing all over jacky, Garrett and Gavin, while Jacob is an amazing acrobat! He flipped from the bank into the water and everytime I tried to get a picture, I was never fast enough to get the action! I think they enjoyed their day of swimming!
Russian History Museum
With Moscow having over 80 museums to choose from, The History Museum in Red Square is what we chose to see Friday. The boys seemed to enjoy it! Garrett liked the armour and swords. Gavin took interest in all the weapons. Jacob followed his brothers and seemed very interested in the carriages, while Losha relished the fact of being the photographer. I was fascinated with the contraption that they used to make salt from salt water. Jacky really wanted to see inside one of the carriages! I have to say, that would have been fabulous!
Russian History Museum
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