Thursday, May 6, 2010

Closing ceremonies

Classical Conversations is one tremendous homeschool community! I'm so proud of our entire community! I'm so sad to be moving on from this marvelous group of awesome people!
With Gavin's accident, I was so blessed to be able to attend our closing ceremonies Tuesday evening. Gavin played "the prince" in the Latin play! I almost made him stay home, he fell asleep on the way and I decided to turn around to take him home, he didn't want to. He went, played his part, and took tylenol when we got home.
I had a difficult time, presenting the awards to my class. I made it short and to the point to keep the emotions under control. I'm excited about being the director for the Skiatook group this fall, but sad to be leaving this amazing community of friends, we've been with the past 3 years!
We had 21 memory masters! Our son Losha was one of them. We are so proud of his perseverance, of overcoming the language barrier and reciting everything in English! The tested subjects include: History timeline, history facts, science, math, grammar, geography, and Latin. The children must know and be able to recite all the facts from the entire school year, not just the past few weeks. Losha did it!!! He even wore his metal to the breakfast table Wednesday morning!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Hospital visit

I never thought we would have a hospital visit over a tire swing! I thought - horse, four wheeler, snake bite, not a tire swing! The kids had finished lunch and went outside for a bit. The next thing I know, our 14 year old son needs to go to the hospital. His ears are hurting, and he can't hear properly from his right ear. When we arrive, they cut his shirt off, put a neck brace on and begin examining him. Blood begins to run out of his right ear and he begins to hear. They perform chest x-rays and a CT scan. Nothing! The Dr. is unsure of why his ears are bleeding and refers us to an ear specialist. The ear specialist decides that even though it didn't show up on the CT, Gavin has a displaced, hairline, temporal skull fracture. There is NO hearing loss and the eardrums and skull will heal on their own! We have the wonderful responsibility to make sure Gavin doesn't get on a skateboard, bicycle, etc. for the next 4-6 weeks. How hard it will be for him, to be still, with 5 brothers and 1 sister to live with! We are so very thankful, that our awesome, active, teen son will be fine!

Our new addition

It's okay Mom, it's just a puppy! Sunday evening we were outside and our tough lil' rat terrier ran a dog off, away from our driveway. The kids kept saying "Mom, it's a puppy and it's so cute." Jacky and I replied, "it probably belongs to someone." Monday morning, when we wake up, it's at the boys window and the kids are begging to keep it. Jacky and I still have not laid eyes on it, we're looking at each other, thinking "oh, we really only want one dog and Schroeder will be jealous!" The kids open the door to check on it, Schroeder and the puppy come in the house. We see it. I look at Jacky and plead to keep her. She walks to Jacky, he looks at her, and the rest is history! Now we have Schroeder and Suzie! Suzie is not a puppy, the kids refer to both of them as puppies, since they're both small dogs. Schroeder is our black and white rat terrier and Suzie is the lil' reddish brown dog.