Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Oklahoma Aquarium

We decided to go to the Aquarium on the special homeschool day. We watched a squid dissection! At first, everyone was interested, then the smell hit them! Jacob and Losha had to go outside for a walk, they couldn't stomach the smell. They said "no understand, crazy America!" We explained, in America we dissect things to learn more about them. We all enjoyed touching the sting rays, star fish and the bamboo sharks!
We've now been home from Russia with our whole family together for 2 & 1/2 months. We've had some adjustments, but all in all it gets better each week!

Tulsa zoo

We decided to go to the Tulsa zoo, so the boys could see the difference between the Moscow and the Tulsa zoos. The really enjoyed the chimps. They were quite entertaining!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

A few funnies

Here's a comical moment - Losha was trying to explain to Gavin that he wanted his leftover chicken chimichanga and he was saying "chicken mommymonga" We were rolling!
Jacob scraped his leg roller blading and was bleeding pretty good. I said "come on, let's clean it up", he replied "it's okay Mom" and continued to say that. I explained that it was not okay, we need to clean it! He kept saying something that I didn't understand and I kept saying "tell me in English please". He repeated the same thing. Finally, one of our friends said he's saying terminator. I laughed and replied "I'll be back", he pipes up "Hasta la vista, Baby".
We discovered they will not eat refried beans due to the way they look.
Losha gags at the sight of runny eggs! We have our ups and downs and I just wanted to share a few comical moments.

I went to chemo with my Mom today and was able to share a wonderful thing that is being done for her. Take a look at www.acutagainstcancer.com

My only little girl will be 9 years old tomorrow.