Thursday, July 1, 2010

May was chaos

The day after Gavin had his hospital visit, we had to go to the ear specialist, the next day Jacky cut the end of his left index finger off! He cut it off diagonally, so the surgeon had to amputate more evenly. So....May 3rd-6th we were either at the hospital or a specialist of some sort. Jacky has adjusted well with the loss of his left finger tip, with the exception of playing guitar and bass. It hasn't affected his drumming at all!
We had a blow out on the way to Garrett's graduation, the boys had to change the tire since Jacky couldn't, due to his finger. We bought new tires the next day.
The following weekend on the way to camp, we had a blow out on a new tire. We found out they put the wrong tires on our vehicle and we received a whole new set of tires. Wow! CHAOS!!!

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